Have any of these things happened to you?
You’re in a band and play a club date. The guy that booked your show says afterward, “Sorry, you didn’t draw enough people for me to break even if I pay you what we agreed on before the show…but….hey, we gave you free beer! Let’s call it even!”
You’ve just performed at a big private party, the host agreed to pay you a decent wage. After the party, you take the check to the bank, it bounces…..
You’re on your way home from an out of town gig, and your van breaks down. Between everyone in the band you have $42, no auto club card, and no one at home to call for help…..
Local 94, AFM can help…..
Ways the AFM can help musicians…
- Professional association to combine strength
- Local Representation
- National/International Representation
- Member directories and referral programs
- Free Demo recording program
- Assistance with recording contract procedures
- Assistance with negotiations
- Legal assistance
- Contract guarantee fund
- 24 emergency answering service
- Emergency travel assistance program
- Music Performance Trust Funds
- Special Payments Funds
- AFM-EPW Fund (pension)
- Equipment and liability insurance
- Sickness and disability insurance
- Legislative representation
- Credit Unions
- National and local publications
- Immigration assistance
- Approved, free legal contracts
- AFM MasterCard with preferred rates
But I’m a young musician with limited funds…
Local 94 has a Youth Membership for musicians under 21. There are no initiation fees to pay and youth members are afforded all the rights and privileges of full membership.
What is the Music Performance Trust Fund?
Recording Industries’ Music Performance Trust Fund provides co-funding for free, live music performances.
What can Local 94 offer me?
- Free demo recording program
- An active online referral system for groups and private teachers
- On-site rehearsal hall available for members’ use at no cost
- Contract guarantee fund
- Website download of contracts, scales, and rosters
What does it cost to join?
The initiation fee is a one time fee of $115.
Membership dues are $150.00 per year or $75.00 on a semi-annual basis.
How do I join?
Visit the How to Join page for details, or…